HISP-SA, WHO with the Lesotho Ministry of Health working toward systems strengthening to enhance the aggregated database (DHIS2), which is responsible for routine reporting from the facility level across all programs and has been running for over 5 years. The project aims to assist the Lesotho Ministry of Health (LMoH) with optimizing their aggregated routine database on DHIS2 and setting up program monitoring dashboards to strengthen the use of data that will inform policies and strategies to improve the health care outcomes of the country.
The project output is to optimize the Lesotho Ministry of Health database by clearing data integrity issues, improve on user management, alignment of the legacy and current data to ensure quality data for program monitoring dashboards to achieve their health systems objectives
The Ministry of Health aggregated database (DHIS2) allows for the capturing analysis, statistics, decision-making, and dissemination of public health information. It allows for the analysis of data from health care facilities. This optimization of the system will assist in review of new data capturing tools, mapping legacy data and improve system performance that has immensely affected the integrity of the system; causing difficulty for decision makers to analyse data and to provide feedback.
The system allows for capturing, Changes in the system through many change requests; including modifying, deleting, and review of new data-capturing tools have immensely affected the integrity of the system; causing difficulty for decision-makers to analyze data and provide feedback. WHO requested a proposal for the optimization of Lesotho MOH’s existing database.
HISP SA in collaboration with WHO and Lesotho Ministry of Health (MoH) has worked towards optimizing the Lesotho MoH aggregated database on DHIS2 by reviewing and refining of user roles and user groups, user management documentation, review and amend datasets, indicators and data elements, presenting good principles for National Indicator Data Set (NIDS) , setting up dashboards , providing technical assistance to formulate, review policies and SOP’s for Disaster recovery and backup, Change management, Incidence Management and lastly setting up new instance for data housing.